Wednesday, November 26, 2008

While watching CSpan or coverage from Olympia on Legislative debates, I am sometimes struck by the thought that one could concentrate more fully on the content of speakers' presentations if it were not for the distraction of some of those in the first row behind a given speaker, many of whom apparently want badly to be seen or see themselves on camera (or both).

On the other hand, it can lighten things up.

For example, behind a given speaker, an ear will appear, then half a face attached to the ear, then the full face, as the individual, in an effort to be seen, feigns straining to see more clearly, some point out in front and to the left or right of center of the speaker, and in so straining, gets his full face within camera view.

Or, someone directly behind the speaker and therefore largely blocked from on-camera, will squirm in apparent discomfort, un- cross and recross his/her legs, shifting, so that one elbow rests on the opposite knee, conveniently putting him/her in camera view on one side or the other.

Or, an otherwise absorbed listener, will, upon realizing the camera has shifted to him apparently think of some humorous thought to pass on to his neighbor, leaning sideways within camera view, whispering, some apparently humorous inside joke/observation, smiling--but not for the camera, mind you.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Plan To Avoid Conflicts of Interest in Reworking Troubled Loans

The Seattle Post Intelligencer, Sunday, November 2, 2008 issue (pg pgB9) carried an excellent article by guest columnists John D. Geanakoplos and Susan P. Koniak entitled "Mortage Justice Would Be Blind." The article details a plan for reworking mortgages, that would remove this responsibility from "master servicers," who are currently stalled by conflicting alliances to various lenders. The responsibility for sorting out which mortages would be bests for reworking and which would not, would be transferred to a neutral group. This group would consist of community-based, community bankers, who would be government- appointed trustees and who would have no conflict of interest or loyalties to any lenders of securities in trouble, as they select securities for reworking or for foreclosure.

I feel the plan has merit for removing the solution to massive foreclosures from the hands of persons and corporations who have gains and or losses riding on the outcome.

In response to my efforts to bring the plan to the attention of the Treasury, I sent an email. I am told that they are sending all their e mails on to the Department of Public Affairs, and according to "Bernice," I may get a reply, but then, I may not.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

second entry

Just testing 123.

first entry

I always thought I was too old to be a blogger, but my 30 something daughter showed me the way !